Yes, I know what you are thinking. Oh lovely Blogess, what took you so long to get this update? I started it a whole bunch of times. Basically too much homework, too much drinking, too much anime and not enough good sex. To help that problem, I got "The Elusive Orgasm" which sadly didn't help. So then I just turned to more drinking. Ah! The sweet beginnings of Alcoholism. But I am sure you are not interested in the comings and goings of my various disorders, so lets get to the pictures shall we? None of them have exact dates. So, lets just go with the flow.
So this is basically a non-discript typical time and Jordans:
Michael and his father take me on a winter walk:
It was completely lovely, it had such a beautiful melancholy to it. I love when the world looks barren. I had so much fun, I could not stop taking pictures. There were just so many places to explore. I wish I could have stayed longer. But it was a great way to end the weekend.
Kaya's Kitchen Open Mic(Drugs?) night:
So after I left Michael's I met up with Sam to goto an Open mic night at Kaya's Kitchen. And for once I do not care if I offend parties in this blog, IT WAS FUCKING WEIRD. Ok, Open Mic Night, you think bad poetry and crappy accoustics..right? No, completely wrong. It's a fucking bongo circle. But I am like fine, all is blessed, I'll chill in it(Anyone who gets this reference gets head btw) I have been in stranger places, I'll let the experience come. Well the experience was watching people whipping out of a bunch of drugs. For those who don't know Kaya's Kitchen is a resturaunt, a public resturaunt with big glass windows to peer in. So if a cop just wandered by, it would be totally visible. So I was freaking out a little bit. Then some punk ass uneducated hippie wannabe(that is right, so low that he wasn't even a real hippie) attempted to school me because I wasn't vegan. And how he was above me and some shit. And how could Michael love me because we were not on the same level I was basically pissed of at this point, and soon after we left. Ew Fo'Series.
Veronica's Belated Birthday:
Macy's Flower Show and New York City:
Every year mother and I goto the Macy's Flower Show and shop. I got bangin' new clothes. And saw some awesome flowers and shit. They had this lovely flower display, with models who were decorated with flowers to mirror different time periods. We went to this resturaunt that had delicious burgers, and started my chain of burger obsession. I love burgers. And had some amazing cheesecake. It was a lovely day.
Going a Thrusday night without drinking? NEVER. Zachary, Samantha, and I went to SHADES OF DEATH road, since Sam has wanted to see it since I went. Then we went home re-watched Gore Gore Girls and got f-ked up.

Random Event Bonus:
Dane's Birthday:
I love Birthdays because they give me an excuse to bake/eat cake. Because It was Dane, I made a 3 layer Hammer and Sickle cake.
Thrusday Night at Amanda's & Gina's:
Almost End of the Year Party:

My life in one picture: Me posing, Veronica doing something useful, and Zachary being Jesus Christ.

35 Plum Street:
Went to this show, got really waisted. Melo left early. Typically shit. The music was pretty bangin' though. No one danced really accept me. That was kind of wack.

Michael drank a 40 to get in touch with his youth.
And then we called it a night.
This is more interestings to Zachary and I than you, what the fuck ever.
I Had Dinner with Joanna:
Michael drank a 40 to get in touch with his youth.
My car's mile meter hit the Fibonacci sequince:
This is more interestings to Zachary and I than you, what the fuck ever.
We stole lots of oranges. Take the RUTGERS. We don't follow no rules.
Weekend At Michael's:
Spent the entire weekend helping Michael clean his new place, only to be dicked by him the following weekend(and not in the pleasurable way). It was completely disgusting. We ate at Fugderutgers(IDFK HOW TO SPELL IT, BLOW ME) and ate burgers. The entire weekend kind of sucked. We did find one chili pepper cake mold though. Score!
I spent the entire weekend slaving and with only one exam left, Zachary, Michael and I got hella wasted. Michael took me to this fancy Indian place, it was lovely. The rice came in a pyramid shape. Instead of studying I played a lot of Whiplash. I still managed to get an A though.
Our last day in the apartment, it was kind of sad. Veronica, Zachary, and I got dinner and hung out all day. Followed by drinking and icecream with Melody. We watched our last Girls Gone Wild that apartment will probably see. Srsly yo that shit is Gold.
Tyler's Party:
Last weekend Tyler held this huge shindig at his West Philly residence. I just got really wasted and talked to people and danced. I smoked 18 cigarettes while I was there, I didn't realize it until the next morning. While I was swinging, a girl straight up asked me if I wanted blow. The craziest types always come to his parties. While highly intoxicated I ate food, and only once I entered a sober state, I became upset, because I realize it may have been from the dumpster. IDK, ok? People apparently do that. Seriously though, I have never heard such vapid sounding conversations in my life. No matter how drunk I got, it still sounded retarded. But I talked to a lot of lovely people too. And then a DJ busted out a turn table and I danced by myself and enjoyed it. I could tell Michael was out of it, since awhile before he was dancing with me. He got really fucked up and ended up vomited, so we had to leave early so I could take care of him. Poor baby threw up like over 6 times. Oh well, I had a lot of fun.
The Aftermath follows:
Hang Out with Veronica, Krystal and Zachary:
I will leave you with the lovely Kylie:
Photos from my Almost End of the Year Party and Shades of Death road come from Samantha. The rest were taken by yours truly.